The new generation of wireless connections has arrived: 5G has the power to simultaneously support an incredible number of connections by improving speed, latency, reliability, and power consumption of IoT devices.
Social media adoption has accelerated significantly. Data shows that users of social platforms have grown by 13% in the last year, with almost half a billion new users.
Online disinformation is now a global phenomenon that refers to one or more information with zero documentary support, aimed at creating a widespread opinion on a large scale.
In 2020 there has been an exponential increase in the use of the net in several fields, from web-based learning to remote working, up to the sudden need to accelerate the digitalization of processes and services and the birth of apps to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.
Data centricity is becoming a priority for all companies. Information is now available anytime anywhere; it represents an unaccountable asset that empowers whoever possesses it.