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RESI S.p.A | Providing superior customer experience in the 5G era

In the digital age, experience is the new imperative. Digital transformation has radically reshaped the concept of customer experience (CX). Customers expect to have an immersive experience, and it is now time for companies to meet their challenge by anticipating their customers' needs and engaging them through hyper-personalized and tailor-made experiences.

The rollout of new 5G technology is a catalyst that will optimize the customer experience. This technology is not just the next generation of mobile communication, but a technology that increases the power to connect people across an indefinite number of devices

What to expect?

  • A highly personalized customer journey

The big players are already focused on providing personalized experiences. The 5G will allow for what is known as " fast data" - that is, data collected, captured and made usable at amazing speeds and volumes. As a result, the 5G will enable market leaders to achieve real-time and highly personalized engagement. Real-time personalization and the shift from content consumption to increased engagement has the potential to transform the relationships that customers have with organizations in any industry.

  • Engaging Experiences

Virtual/Augmented Reality (VR and AR) and gaming users dislike long delays. Since 5G will allow latency to drop below 1 millisecond, VR and AR will be processing images at a faster rate than the human brain - making the experience as close to reality as possible. Indeed, 5G will transform the customer experience while enabling an unparalleled level of engagement that will transform everything from clothes shopping to home buying. As VR and AR catalyze consumers' attention and prompt their emotions more than any other medium, this evolution can establish a deeper connection with brands.

  • The deployment and connection of IoT devices can improve the quality of customer service

Because of the low latency and reliability of 5G, the number of connected devices equipped with sensors will multiply and drastically improve the customer experience across multiple industries.

This has all prompted companies to switch their business models. The customer experience is now the competitive asset and the driving force to focus on to retain customers, increase the perceived value of the brand, and attract new customers.

In this context, RESI offers an enabling and holistic platform that can elevate customer experience and strengthen the brand relationship. In order to drive such transformation, the solution offers an extensive listening system that captures the customer experience at different "moments of thruth" in the customer journey, such as purchasing a service, calling customer care or reporting a failure.

By using our platform, it is possible to monitor the level of Customer Satisfaction, which aims to detect the quality perceived by your customers of the company. The " ongoing improvement" of processes and customer experience is also reflected in the Net Promoter Score (NPS) results recorded by customers who speak with the customer care service, which prove to be largely positive.


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04011 Aprilia LT

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